It is hard to think of a new media that has not been invented. Every day new inventions are created but, there are still many things to be invented. A new invention that would benefit many would be a universal charger. This charger would be able to charge any phone. It would be beneficial because if you were an iPhone or Galaxy owner you would use the same charger to charge your phone. As a result, people will no longer have to worry about not having a specific one because one will do the job for all phones. I am someone that will benefit greatly by this. Half of my family owns an iPhone while the other owns galaxies, as a result, we all have a different charge for the two different phones. A universal charger will allow you to not have e to worry if you are not carrying your charger because the universal charger can charge any phone.
My Blog List
My Blog List
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
P2P File Sharing
File sharing refers to the practice of sharing access to digital information or content. These files include documents, videos, images, computer programs etc. On the other hand, there is P2P File sharing. P2P File sharing refers to peer-to-peer, networking. It allows for computer hardware and software to function without a server device. It's an alternative to the usual client to server networking design. Some examples are BitTorrent, Pando, Mashboxx, Open media network and many others. In the article " Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other", the author point our how P2P has made it possible for people to find better deals on loans than ever before. It has allowed many to find low-interest loans that even with their good credit score they are not able to acquired.
Our Class wiki- So Far
In our class wiki, I have been involved in a couple of things. I contributed to different sections which included the sections on social networking, privacy, and the environment. In the social networking, I wrote about how social networking has allowed people to communicate,share ideas faster ,and it makes finding a job faster and easier than ever before. I wrote about the effect of New media on people's privacy and how environmentalists are promoting change and action among the population.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Advice to the College
New media is widely used by colleges and universities, however, it can be improved. Brooklyn college uses different forms of new media yet, it not always helpful or at its best point. Blackboard is one of the biggest issues in the cuny system and many students have problems with it. By hiring and paying a closer attention to the way blackboard works the college can avoid the large amount of students that need help because of issues with blackboard. In addition, the college needs to stay on top of all of its media. The Brooklyn college website has been the same for many years and is rarely updated. Many of the school's websites haven't been active for a long period of time. Furthermore, the college should try to update frequently on everything that is happening on campus because many times students are not able to know the things that are available or happening on campus.
Privacy & Confidentiality
New media has made privacy and confidentiality an issue nowadays. The internet has been one of the greatest revolutionary ideas to have ever been created ,and one of the key components of new media. It is no surprise that some of the issues with privacy and confidentiality are 'connected' to social networks. Many disclose information which can be harmful. When it comes to jobs many companies looked at the post of their workers and those who applied for a job on social media; sometimes this results in the person not getting a job.All social networks try to encourage people to be careful with what they post online. Not so long ago Kim Kardashian was rob and its believe that social media played a big role in it. By posting so many pictures and information about where you are at Kim Kardashian among other people forget the risk they are putting themselves in. There is no such thing as privacy and confidentiality in new media. Once something is placed on the web anyone can find a way to get access to it even if it was 'private'. People need to understand and be careful with what they post online because you can never know the effect it will have.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Creativity and New Media
Following up on my previous post, new media allows users to create a virtual life. They allow you to create a virtual character where you are able to be and do anything you desire. I have used many different virtual worlds among them is The Sims. It allows you to create your own virtual character. This new media allows you to select the body type, hair color, and personality of your character along with allowing you to create your own home from scratch. When creating you home, the game allows you to pick the size of the walls color, wall and floor patterns, the room sizes and even allows you to decorate and pick the furniture along ,with deciding the location of where you place these objects. Also, the Sims promote creativity by allowing users to create custom content which they can later use on their characters and in their virtual homes.

Create your own virtual character
Virtual homes

New media has helped to foster creativity in multiple ways. Blogs have help to encourage creativity. They allow you to write your thoughts and simply express yourself.New media also fosters creativity in the music industry. As stated in the article The New Math of Mashups from The New Yorker, "You don’t need a distributor, because your distribution is the Internet. You don’t need a record label, because it’s your bedroom, and you don’t need a recording studio because that’s your computer. You do it all yourself.” New media has allowed people to promote their music and ideas on their own without a record label or even a newspaper to do so. An example can be seen in the virtual world where you can dress up and be whoever you. Most if not all virtual world like the Sims and Second life allow you to create your own content(i.e. hair, clothes, and virtual home). The effect of the encouragement new media has on creativity can be seen on tweeter. In the article Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers , Claire Cain Miller states that "The company watches how people use the service and which ideas catch on. Then its engineers turn the ideas into new features.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds
Virtual World has become more popular than ever
before. As stated by Ruth La Ferla in her article "No
Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You", they allow you to
be creative. An example of it is seen in the Sims, IMVU, and second life,
where your virtual character can be whoever you want and they can act and wear
whatever you want. There are different ways in which virtual
worlds/reality can be used. Entertainment is one of the
most popular ways virtual words can be used. People are able to visit different
places through the virtual world you can create a virtual copy of any
place in the world (i.e. a virtual field trip) while being in the comfort of
your home. They are even Virtual
Classrooms. In this classrooms, professors use the virtual platform as a
meeting space for students to attend the lecture with embedded videos,
illustrations, eBooks, or 3D models. As demonstrated in the article "The
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Virtual Classroom and the Role of the
Teacher" ,"The Internet offers such advantages as flexible
access and new ways of communicating and assessing for students and
teachers" which has never been seen before. Also, even people who are
interested in economics can use virtual worlds in order to do so since many of
them if not all have their own currency. This and many others are ways in which
people use virtual worlds.
Still, like everything in new media, there
are pros and cons to virtual worlds. The advantages can for virtual worlds are
many, as stated previously you can visit different parts of the world while at
home, learn economics and how to manage yourself, and even create a virtual you
without restrictions. However, even though it’s great some use the virtual
world to bully and even commit crimes. One of the major cons of virtual reality
is that criminals and pedophiles use this media to trick people and children
into doing things they are not supposed to.
Even though there
are dangers in virtual worlds they also allowed people to be creative. In
virtual worlds like the Sims and IMVU users are able to build their houses
from scratch and even create custom content by doing so
encouraging creativity. Over time the virtual world will become even more
important than they are today. Soon people won't have to leave their houses in
order to do their jobs because you would be able to do so on virtual reality.
There will be no limits into what you can do.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Blog about Twitter
How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?
There are multiple differences between a discussion in tweeter and one in Blackboard. The first and biggest being the limitations twitter has when it comes to characters. You are only allowed to post 150 characters in twitter while facebook allows you to post as many characters as you desire. Another difference being that when it comes to Twitter typing things is instant. Unlike in BlackBoard where multiple steps are required ,you need to create a thread and then you are able to type and share a message. Still, when you compare this two to an in class discussion there is really no comparison. You can express yourself fully.
Social Networking Sites
There are many social networking sites available for everyone to use. In some aspects, some social networking sites share features but also have differences. Among these networks are facebook, twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Facebook, twitter,Pinterest ,and Instagram , all shared the most important aspect of social networking sites however while looking at them they create different impressions upon the users. Looking closely at facebook and tweeter some believe they are the same, however, depending on your interest in some aspects of the different networks. The fist difference being the life span of a status or tweet.A facebook status has a longer life span then tweeter on timelines; It can many times last for days. On the other hand,a tweet has a lifespan of an hour. Also, while both allow you to post twitter limits a number of characters a person can post while facebook allows you to write as much as you want. On the other hand, Pinterest and Instagram both are mainly used for posting photos with little to no writing content however, Instagram allows you to have more personal followers than Pinterest. Another difference between the two is sharing information with other medias, while in Instagram is pretty easy, in order to do so on Pinterest is more complicated and a code must be generated with a widget builder.
If I had, to be honest, Facebook and Instagram seem to be easier to use, Yes Pinterest and Twitter are interesting but their way od functioning is not something that interest me. I enjoy posting without having any limitations which Tweeter does ,and privacy and knowing who I follow is something I care about.
Facebook, twitter,Pinterest ,and Instagram , all shared the most important aspect of social networking sites however while looking at them they create different impressions upon the users. Looking closely at facebook and tweeter some believe they are the same, however, depending on your interest in some aspects of the different networks. The fist difference being the life span of a status or tweet.A facebook status has a longer life span then tweeter on timelines; It can many times last for days. On the other hand,a tweet has a lifespan of an hour. Also, while both allow you to post twitter limits a number of characters a person can post while facebook allows you to write as much as you want. On the other hand, Pinterest and Instagram both are mainly used for posting photos with little to no writing content however, Instagram allows you to have more personal followers than Pinterest. Another difference between the two is sharing information with other medias, while in Instagram is pretty easy, in order to do so on Pinterest is more complicated and a code must be generated with a widget builder.
If I had, to be honest, Facebook and Instagram seem to be easier to use, Yes Pinterest and Twitter are interesting but their way od functioning is not something that interest me. I enjoy posting without having any limitations which Tweeter does ,and privacy and knowing who I follow is something I care about.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Social Net'g
Have you ever wonder or question the definition of social networking? Social networking is software that allows people to come together around an idea or topic of interest. It has allowed for a more interconnected society. Some people use social networks to find romance,such as in websites like Cupid or international cupid among many others. Still, there are multiple ways in which it can use. A school could use blog software to bring together anyone who's writing about things like politics,computers, or Greek literature.Social networking can be used for to organize activities, events, or groups to showcase issues and opinions while exposing their ideas to a wider audience. In addition just like it was stated in the article, "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt, "Professional recruiters have started hunting for job candidates using social networking technology". Now more than ever people are able to find jobs or look up candidates without having to do much work. Social networks have allowed employers to interview candidates without having to meet them in person. These and things like real-time sharing are some of the benefits created by social networking.
However, even though Social networking has had many advantages it has also has a "dark side". Among the negative thing of social networking is the information that is shared and how little control you have over it once it's shared. Many teenagers shared pictures that reveal underage drinking, smoking, explicit content and parties which can be very harmful to the users .These pictures are demeaning and damaging to the teen's reputations. even though many won't realize this up until later on in their life, until it ruins their chance of getting a job or even an internship which they apply for. As illustrated by the article, "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private" by Rebecca Greenfield , nothing is private. You might have shared a picture with just your friends on facebook, however, once it out or shared with anyone there is no guarantee in knowing what will happen with that picture. In addition, social networks allow and make it easier for people to bully other.
Social networking has brought great things even though just like everything invented in history, some people use it for the wrong reasons or with bad intentions, I n the future it might allow people to submerge completely in a virtual reality world where you can be in America but at the same time be in Venice. It might allow us to live virtual lives to a whole new level.
However, even though Social networking has had many advantages it has also has a "dark side". Among the negative thing of social networking is the information that is shared and how little control you have over it once it's shared. Many teenagers shared pictures that reveal underage drinking, smoking, explicit content and parties which can be very harmful to the users .These pictures are demeaning and damaging to the teen's reputations. even though many won't realize this up until later on in their life, until it ruins their chance of getting a job or even an internship which they apply for. As illustrated by the article, "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private" by Rebecca Greenfield , nothing is private. You might have shared a picture with just your friends on facebook, however, once it out or shared with anyone there is no guarantee in knowing what will happen with that picture. In addition, social networks allow and make it easier for people to bully other.
Social networking has brought great things even though just like everything invented in history, some people use it for the wrong reasons or with bad intentions, I n the future it might allow people to submerge completely in a virtual reality world where you can be in America but at the same time be in Venice. It might allow us to live virtual lives to a whole new level.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Blog V Wiki
Blogs and Wiki share and are different in different ways. Blogs are more suited for individuals (even though it can be collaborative). They are written in reverse chronological order, which means that the newest entry is always at the top. In the case of blogs, they can only be edited by the blogger and their signature usually follows the post. On the other hand, one of the ways in which wikis are different from blogs is that they are suited for collaborative work. Many people can edit each page unlike in a blog. Also, they are written according to the content or the arrangement the author wants. Last but not least a major different between the two is that the previous versions publish of the page are save and can be retrieved unlike in a blog. Some of the similarities between blogs and wikis are that they both allowed the expression of information and are open to opinion. They also are accessible to anyone around the globe and are simple to set up using a free software.
The importance of convergence in today's networked world is how it allows people to share information,such as their thoughts and ideas. It has made it possible for people to learn and shared things without having to go through books. As stated in the article "How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere?", things like blogs have allowed people to"write about topics that matter to them; their audience may be large or small". There is no limit into what modern networking allows us to do.Blogs can be used for collaboration by simply sharing ideas. Your ideas can be read by others who respond to your blog by adding their point of view or thoughts about your idea. Some of those ideas can be positive or negative as in the case illustrated in the article "Stung by the Perfect Sting" by Maureen Dowd. The article helps to demonstrate blogger can influence on a celebrity gaining an award for something that wasn't positive; the model won the award for the "Skankiest in NYC". The thoughts express by bloggers, wikiers and others can have an immense influence on our society. Last but not least, a new way in which wikis could be used is by posting jobs. People can add and take out new jobs in the wiki and help others to find a job.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Research/Term Paper
The Impact of New Media on Society
The new technological advances have brought with it many changes in the way people interact. Blogs, Facebook,whats-app, Twitter among many others have have allowed for the interaction between people to reach new levels. My research will; look at the ways in which New Media has impacted us on social and societal issues. The positive and negatives effects of how it has allowed for more interaction,the exchange of information among other things whole at the same time it has brought forth problems never seen before such as physical interaction between people, global competition or the way in which most are more interested on social media and their "followers" rather than having a real relationship with people.
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